55th CSVHFS Conference - Schedule of Events

Thursday, July 27

1500-1700     Registration Desk open

1700               Assemble in Lobby for short walk to ballpark
1735               Ballpark gates open

1800-2000     Food served at ballpark

1835               Ballgame begins

TBD                Board of Directors Meeting (all welcome)

Friday July 28

0800 - 1700   Registration Desk open

0800 - 1100   Antenna Range – North gravel parking lot

0800 - 1100   Rover/Dish Display – South overflow parking lot

0800 - 1130   Noise Figure/Vector Network Analyzer lab. Preamps must be turned in by 9:30 AM

1100               Family Program – Bus leaves hotel to Marslgate Plantation

1145-1300     Lunch (ticket required) Speaker Jay Baack, N1AV

                                    “The Path to the Fred Fish Memorial Award in 1481 Days”

0800               Vendor area open

1300-1310     Introductions & Welcome – Joel Harrison, W5ZN

1300-1700     Technical Presentations

1430               Family Program - Bus returns to Hotel

1700               Dinner Break (on your own)

1900 - 2100   Flea Market / Homebrew Display

2100 - ?          Hospitality Suite

TBD                Board of Directors Meeting (all welcome)

Saturday, July 29

0800 – 1130  Registration Desk open

0830 – 1200  Technical Presentations

0900               Vendor Area open

1200 – 1300  Lunch (ticket required) Speaker: Rod Blocksome, K0DAS

                                    “Six Meter EME from the Iowa Corn Fields”

1315 – 1500  Technical Presentations

1500-1515     CQWW VHF Plaque Award Winners

1515-1530     Announcements

1530 – 1630 Annual Meeting of the Society

1630               Board of Directors Meeting (all welcome)

1800 – 1900  Social Hour prior to banquet (Cash Bar)

1900               Banquet – Dinner, Awards, Prizes

Speaker: Ward Silver, N0AX

                        “The Yasme Foundation, Yesterday, Today, and Tomorrow”

Post banquet Hospitality Suite opens at end of banquet