Central States VHF Society Conference
2023 Technical Program

Friday July 28
Luncheon Speaker - The Path to the Fred Fish Memorial Award in 1481 days -  Jay Baack, N1AV
1300 – 1310 Welcome  -  Joel Harrison, W5ZN
1310 – 1350 Grounding & Bonding  - Ward Silver, N0AX
1350 – 1430 Narrow Band & High Intercept Point VHF LNA’s  - Tommy Henderson, WD5AGO
1430 – 1445 Break
1445 – 1530 A Standalone Portable 6 Meter Station for Remote Rare-Grid Activation  - John Klem, AA5PR
1530 – 1615 Impact of Digital Modes in VHF Contesting & VHF Contest Trends & Rules Changes -  Jon Platt, W0ZQ
1615 – 1700 Predicting Faraday Rotation in EME Communications - Bill Caldwell N0LNO
1900 – 2100 Swapfest

Saturday July 29
0830 – 0910 10 GHz Propagation Over Atmospheric Inland Seas  - Ron Ochu, KO0Z
0910 – 0930 How to Properly Log Roving Operations for LoTW at VHF  - David Swanson, KG5CCI
0930 – 1015 Icom IC-905 Experience & Demo  - Terry Price, W8ZN
1015 – 1030 Break
1030 – 1115 Patch Feeds Al Ward, W5LUA
1115 – 1200 The Larcan High Band 1500-Watt Amplifier for 222 MHz Weak Signal Work  - Dave Olean, K1WHS
Luncheon Speaker – Six Meter EME from the Iowa Corn Fields   - Rod Blocksome, K0DAS
1315 – 1400 My First Decade Roving  - Wyatt Dirks, AC0RA
1400 – 1430 Automatic Polarity Rotation System Mike Melum, KL6M
1430 – 1500 Valid QSO’s and Online Chat  - Jim Wilson, K5ND
1500 - 1515 CQ WW VHF Plaque Award Winners  - John Kalenowsky, K9JK
1515 – 1530 Announcements
1530 - CSVHFS Business Meeting

Banquet Program
1800 Cash Bar
1900 – Welcome  - Joel Harrison, W5ZN
Presentation of VHF Sprint Plaque Winners  Kent O'Dell KA2KQM

Presentation of States Above 50 MHz Program Plaques - Bruce Richardson W9FZ
Presentation of the Wilson & Chambers Awards - Kent Britain WA5VJB
The Yasme Foundation, Yesterday, Today, & Tomorrow  - Ward Silver, N0AX
Invitation to the 2024 CSVHFS Conference  - Bill Caldwell, N0LNO
Prize Drawing
2100 - Close of the 2023 Conference